Monday, May 4, 2009


Hola! Cómo andan? Todo está bien acá. Alright, to start off... it turns out that the whole phone call thing may be a little complicated. It turns out that I forgot to talk to the man who is in charge of the ward yesterday, and he didn´t answer my phone call this morning, so I´m not completely sure if it´s okay if you call the church. But I´m thinking that it should be just fine. So the number to the church is (54)(0??)(2941)(451634). So I believe 54 means something with Argentina. I don´t remember how it worked last time with the other numbers beforehand. Hopefully you all remember!So anyway, we´re thinking we should call before you all go to church. So can you all call at 11:00 am? If I understand correctly, from what Hna. Hedquist´s family said, that means it will be 3:00 pm here with daylight savings time and everything. So I will be in the church at 3:00 pm, Argentina time, anxiously awaiting your phone call. Alright, so this is all supposing that it´s just fine with Hno. Mansilla that you call the church. If it´s not okay, I´m not going to be in the church, so I´m not going to answer your phone call. If I don´t answer, it means I´ll be in a phone call place, and I´ll call you at home! The same time and everything.

Wow, that took a long time to figure everything out with Hna. Hedquist, so I´m not sure this will be as good of an email as always. But we´ll be able to talk on Sunday so it´s okay!

Things here are going well. We actually weren´t able to talk with Fernanda and Fernando ALL week. I´m actually pretty worried about it myself. Everytime we pass by they´re not there - getting a shot, something or other. So we´re praying, and hoping that everything works out just fine.

We had a good lesson with Sergio and Patricia this last week. We talked about the Plan of Salvation, and they had a lot of questions. It´s really fun when they want to learn, and I think they´re really coming to understand better. They really need to read the Book of Mormon.

We had a good FHE on Saturday. Mostly recent converts go, but it´s good to teach and strengthen them. We would really like investigators to go... we´ll work on it.

We had a really good lesson with a lady named Eloisa yesterday. Hna. Moreno from the ward went with us, and it was actually the first time we taught her. We had jus talked to her on her doorstep before. But anyway, one of her daughters passed away a while back, and we talked to her about part of the plan of salvation. She had questions, about the plan of salvation and why there are so many churches - how you can know the truth. It was a good lesson. I´ll keep you updated with her.

Things are progressing with less-active members, and strengthening the ward. That´s nice. It makes me sad when people don´t want to go to church. We should all WANT and look forward to going to church. To partake of the sacrament most importantly than everything else. People need to understand the importance of the sacrament. I think I´m just starting to understand. We should be repenting all week, becoming better, and (asking) for forgiveness,and then we need to partake of the sacrament in order to (obtain) forgiveness from our Heavenly Father. Then we´re worthy of the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost again. I am finding there are many reasons that people don´t want to go. However,whatever the reason, it isn´t good enough. Church attendance is SO important.

We watched ¨The Restoration¨with Carla Barria the other day and it went well. She said it answered a lot of her questions. We pointed out how it´s up to her to search for an answer, and to pray to know for herself. It depends on the individual person. We´re praying that she reads and prays. I want to meet with her again and actually read the Book of Mormon with her.

One of our investigators, Monica, went to English class the other day so that made me happy. It turns out that she has tricky questions! It´s good though. It made me think back to english grammar classes.

Alright, well, I´m afraid my time to write is all up. I want you all to know that I love you a lot, and that I´m looking forward to talking to you on Sunday! I love you!

Love Always,
Hermana Jana Banana Pincock