Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Baptism and Transfers! 06.24.2009 (Email)

Hola! How are you all doing? I hope great. I hope you got the pictures okay. I thought you´d like to see them. First off, transfers! I´m headed to Bariloche! I´m actually very surprised, because I have been told the whole mission that there isn´t an area for sisters in Bariloche, so that I would never go there. So from what I understand, I think my new companion and I may be opening an area. We´ll see. My new companion is going to be Hna. Porter, from Utah. She got here with Hna. Hedquist, and was trained by Hna. Schwab. :D Surprises! So I´m going to leave here at 7:30 tonight, and go to Neuquen. And then at 11:00 I´ll leave Neuquen to Bariloche, and I´ll get there about 5:00 in the morning. I´m headed to mountains and snow! I´m actually excited about that because I have missed the mountains and snow. We´ll see what adventures lay ahead. :0)

Hna. Legro is coming here. I´ve never met her, but she got here with Elder Jensen, and he assures me that she´s a great missionary. That should be good. I feel like Hna. Hedquist is ready to take over. She´s well prepared and knows the area well. I have no doubt that good things will continue to happen.

The baptism on Saturday was wonderful. Santiago was baptized by his dad, Hna. Angel Peñalver. Tamara Troncoso, an 18 year old was also baptized, as well as a man, Juan Carlos Flores - 45 ish years old I think. It was a wonderful baptism, and we had great ward support. I think there were atleast 50 people there so we were very pleased with the turn-out.

More good news! We had a lesson with Hna. Eloisa Panero and Hno. Mansilla, ¨the bishop¨. We talked about baptism, and temples, and what you have to do to prepare. He urged her not to put off her baptism for much time. It was so good for me to hear from someone else other than a missionary. Especially her leader! She said she wants to be baptized in July, and we put her date for July 11th! One of her granddaughters is actually living with her as well right now, who is 11, who would like to take the missionary lessons as well to prepare for baptism. Yay! So they should have some baptisms here this next transfer. :o) I would love to be here to see Hna. Panero, but being transfered is part of the mission. I´m just happy she´s going forward with it.

Lets see, what else? Ah, Sergio and Patricia. They were all dressed and ready to go to the baptism, and their car didn´t start. :o( Then they went to Plottier on Sunday so they didn´t go to church. But, we had some really good lessons with Patricia this week. Sergio wasn´t there, but on one side I think it was better. When Sergio is there, Patricia doesn´t say much about what she thinks about everything. But she really opened up to us last night and Hna. Hedquist knows how she can help her move forward. I just pray for them.

We actually didn´t find out until last night about transfers because everything is so crazy. So, I didn´t know if I should be saying ¨bye¨to people etc... However, as I was praying Monday night I really felt like I would be transfered, so I kind of said an unofficial goodbye to a couple of people. Do you all remember Irene? I must admit, that I wasn´t a real fan of saying bye to her. She has been the grandma that I don´t have here in Argentina. I just love her with all my heart. She has definitely made an impact on me.

Well, I have A LOT of packing to do in the next 3 hours, so I need to get busy. I hope you all know how much I love you. I know families can be eternal. I know that this is the true church of Jesus Christ. He is the guide. We have a living Prophet and Apostles. The gospel of Jesus Christ is the path to happiness. Read the scriptures and pray always!

Love Always,
Hermana Jana Banana Pincock

Jana in Allen with the Pear Statue

Second, Santiago´s baptism! Santiago is the little guy next to his dad, Hno. Peñalver.