Monday, September 21, 2009

We're Staying Here! 09.21.2009 (Email)

Hola! How are you all doing? I hope that you´re all doing really well. Well, exciting news! We´re both staying here in Bariloche! We knew it was a possibility that we could stay here but didn´t want to get our hopes up. But sure enough. We´ll be together for another transfer. Que bueno! :D

Mariana wasn´t able to get baptized on Sunday. She was supposed to have her baptismal interview last Tuesday but couldn´t go. But, she finally talked to her Mom, and her Mom said she can do it! Yay! So it really should be this Sunday now. And I love it because we told her she could choose who she wants to speak, etc... and she chose all youth. So it should be a great baptism.

As for Nelida, Belen and Ester... they´re scheduled for Saturday / Sunday, but they didn´t go to church yesterday. So Ester has only gone two times. Hna. Porter and I feel like it would be better to wait another week and make sure they´re ready. But they don´t know that yet, so we´ll see what happens, and do our best to follow the Spirit and do what´s best for them.

Remember María Teresa and her son, Thomas? They went to church yesterday, as well as Pablo. So that was fun. Hna. Porter and I gave the lesson in Gospel Principles because the teacher was in Chile for a day or two and it went well.

Lets see, what´s something interesting that´s happening? by Lisa´s request...

Hna. Porter and I end up eating random things in our apt. because she shouldn´t eat flour. So Hna. Porter eats a large amount of cheese. She´s like a little mouse. I have been trying to cut down on my oreo in-take because I used to eat way too many oreos. :D We also drink a large amount of milk. All my latin companions thought I was so weird when they started out with me, because I love milk! But they about all converted over to my milk drinking ways.

Hna. Porter drinks a large amount of water, and so we are consequently in the bathroom a lot! Now it´s just a joke. Anytime we enter a house or the church the first thing she does is ask if she can go to the bathroom.

The mission with dogs can be interesting. We haven´t had any dramatic experiences - they´re just everywhere! But it´s kindof sad because a lot don´t have any homes. I told Hna. Porter one day that I used to look at Scotty and had decided that I could live the life of a dog. It seems pretty nice. But being here in Argentina I have changed my mind. I would not like to be an Argentine dog!

We´re getting pretty strong going up and down the stair case - often times several times a day. We can go up pretty fast now days.

Argentina is famous for eating a lot of meat. We are always eating meat. In her talk the other day Hna. Porter said that we should be careful with our meat intake. The members now tell her that they´re going to cook a delicious barbecue, invite her, and not let her eat any of the meat. Funny members.

Everytime we go to, or leave from, Nelida´s house her little girls scream ¨las hermanas!¨They´re adorable.

Hna. Porter started this thing with Nelida´s girls that she whistles in a way that sounds like birds, and then says to them, ¨where are the birds at?¨ They start looking around, above at the ceiling, and say ¨There they are!¨ So every two minutes they want one of us to make the bird noise so they can look for the birds again.

And the girls, Yoselyn and Makarena, absolutely love singing. They argue over who gets to choose the song, and they both always want to pray. They don´t like sharing our hymn books. :o)

So there are a couple of things from my daily life. I love the mission, and I love being here in Bariloche. I feel very blessed to be able to be here for at least one more transfer, and with Hna. Porter. The church is true. Jesus Christ lives, and is very aware of every detail of our lives. Read the scriptures and pray always.

Our family is eternal!

Love always,
Hermana Jana Banana Pincock

Hola mi familia!

Okay, the first picture is of Hna. Porter and I the night after our last zone conference. Just posing. :D

I don´t remember the order...

- Where we live! the view from the front. 519 Los Colihues.

- Hna. Porter and I with Perla, a member. We went with her to a chocolate factory before she moved away.

- A view of a little of our area. Where you can see the mountains and everything with the pretty lake. This is like one block away from our apt. And if you can imagine, there´s a large drop off right there... the famous stairs.
- last Monday a couple of us missionaries eating icecream.

- last Monday playing soccer. Good times!