Monday, October 20, 2008

Hola Otra Vez!! 10.20.2008 (Email)

Hola mi familia! Alright, so now I´m in the bus terminal. Hermana Celis just left. How sad! I´m excited for her though and I know that she´ll do great. I´m also excited for Hermana Schafer because I know that Hermana Celis will be able to help her. They´ll be wonderful.

Alright, so more about what is happening here. Yesterday was Mother´s Day here in Argentina. So Mom, Happy Mother´s Day! They gave me flowers in church to give to you. :D I´ll have to take a picture of them and send that. :D They´re pretty!

Yesterday was our ward conference as well. We had a good turn out. We laughed when we were having choir practice because we didn´t know if there would be anyone to actually listen to the choir because everyone would be singing. Haha. But really, there was a good turn out and I really enjoyed it. We sang ¨Families Can Be Together Forever¨and I played the piano for that one. Then we sang a mix of ¨My Heavenly Father Loves Me and I Feel My Savior´s Love¨. Raimundo the ward mission leader played for that one. Then I played, what´s it called? El Cristo Rey Jesus I think. I´m not sure what it´s called in English or the page number. But anyway, it was my first time playing for a choir so luckily it wasn´t too complicated. :o)

We found a neat family this week. Familia Ramos. They are from Bolivia and have three kids. They are catholic. We had the opportunity to teach lesson one on Saturday night and it was a really good lesson. Grover has some concerns I think because he doesn´t really understand why he needs something different. He is content with reading the Bible and thinks his family is fine. We tried to explain about the Priesthood, and that only through the restored priesthood can his family be together forever. I think they´re really sincere and I´m excited to teach them more.

We also started teaching a lady named Gladys. We went and taught her Lesson One as well. She is great. I think she´s like 55 or 60. Usually at the end of the lesson after explaining the BoM and everything we then ask them if they´re willing to read and pray about the things we taught. But Gladys, after we had explained the BoM, she was the one that said, ¨alright then, I´m going to read it!¨It was so great. I´m excited for her as well.

We haven´t been able to meet with Analia and her family. She works a ton, and we think that her boyfriend??? has just moved in with her. We were talking to the Beltran family, her neighbors (Raimundo and Paula and their family) and we´re going to pray for her and her family that they can continue to progress.

I really admire the Beltran family. They didn´t all join the church at the same time, and I have really enjoyed hearing more about their conversion stories. They´re so strong. Very amazing. I often wonder if I would have joined the church if missionaries showed up at my doorstep if I hadn´t been born in the church.

I´m reading more about Alma in the beginning of Alma in his missionary efforts. I love reading about the missionaries in the BoM.

Oh, Hermana Schwab is going to be in my zone now. Fun fun!

So how are you all doing? Mom, it made me laugh when you were thinking about the teeth of the people who lived for so many years. I´m fairly confident that they just didn´t have teeth. I´m grateful for modern day dentistry as well. How are your teeth doing by now?

It was fun to read about the parade and everything. Tell all the family hello for me! Happy Birthday to Uncle Wayne and Uncle Allen, congratulations to Camille on her baby. Where is Camille living?

Shari and Orrin, thanks for the money for my tennis shoes! Hopefully I´ll be able to buy them soon.

Dad, I didn´t get the attachment with the picture of Hallie on the treadmill. I´m not sure what happened!

I love hearing about all your lives. I´m so grateful for my family. I´m so grateful I was raised in such a happy home with the knowledge of the Gospel. I continue to recognize the blessings. The life we have, so many others don´t! I admire all of your service - in the church, and just among yourselves in the family.

There´s a taxi driver that drives us around quite a bit. His name is Simon. He told us a little while ago that his wife had a heart attack. Last night he gave us a ride back to the apartment and he said his wife passed away. It just broke my heart. It makes me so sad for the people that don´t have the knowledge that families really can be forever. We´re so blessed! We just need to keep the commandments and endure to the end now.

Well, I need to go. Thanks for all and I love you all!

Con Mucho Amor,
Hermana Jana Banana Pincock