Monday, October 27, 2008

Feliz Halloween :D 10.27.2008 (Email)

Mi Familia-

Hola! Como estan? Espero que todo este bien con todos. Well, what a week! To begin, after Hermana Celis left I spent the day with Hna. Valderrama and Hna. Diaz. Also spent some time with Hna. Laura Bignon (who was the companion of Hna. Celis just before me as a member/mini missioary) and another member, Isy. In the night the three of us taught and visited and did contacts just as normal. It was interesting to see the way that another companionship did things. Then we had a sleep over that night. :D

The next morning Hermana Riquelme got here at about 9:00. I´ll admit I was a little nervous about it all (getting back to the apartment without Hermana Celis for one thing haha) but I must say, that Hna. Riquelme is SO GREAT!! Before I met her everyone told me that she has a Chilean accent still, and it´s the truth! It makes me giggle. Often when we are talking to someone they ask, so... from what part of Chile are you from?

So she is from Santiago Chile. What a coincidence huh? Both she and Hermana Celis. They were in the MTC together. There are five kids in her family, and all are members. She has been a member for three years now. She said that they were all pretty much baptized at different times. She is the oldest, and the only girl. Her brother is serving in California, San Bernadino sp??? - english speaking!

First off, good news! Yennifer, the sister of Rocio and Oriana, and daughter of Rita, went to church for the 3rd time yesterday! She had told Hna. Celis that she wanted to be baptized, and she has recently been going to many church activities, but when we went to her house earlier in the week, she left when we started teaching. So we were a little unsure what she was thinking. However, we talked to her yesterday about what she wants, and what she would need to learn, do... in order to be baptized, and she has a baptismal date for November 8th! Yay! I´m so excited for her. Tamara, her sister, also went to church for the second time yesterday. Tamara is 17 and has a 1 1/2 year old daughter, Brisa, who is adorable. I hope she also continues to progress.

And, Andres went to church yesterday! Yay!!! He was only in Sacrament Meeting, and then the rest of the time he was pretty much in the hall trying to take care of their kids - Omar and Carla. Hum.... it turns out it´s a struggle with kids no matter where you live. :D

We are really emphasizing The Book of Mormon with the investigators and the members of the ward. It´s such a key. If people really read the Book of Mormon, and pray about it, I really am convinced that they´ll know that Joseph Smith was a prophet, and they´ll have the strength to overcome whatever problems arise. I know that the Book of Mormon has been a huge strength to me since I have been here in the mission. I told Hna. Celis the other day, and others since, that I really don´t think that I could do the mission if we didn´t have personal and companion study every day. It´s just that simple.

We´re inviting everyone to read it cover to cover. I am loving it. The Book of Mormon is so powerful!

We´re trying to invite everyone to the church as well. Rather than nonchalantly invite them, make it a lesson, and give the blessings, commandments... with the scriptures and everything. What to expect, why we have the different meetings, etc... We would really like to increase the number of people that go to church on Sundays. The investigators can´t progress without it.

So we are starting to see more mosquitos. Not a big deal for me. Hermana Riquelme on the other hand, is allergic to mosquitos! Her legs/feet were bitten, and her feet are swollen like crazy! She said her feet feel like they´re going to pop or explode when she walks. I don´t think that´s a good thing... Hopefully they´ll get better soon. She´s a trooper though.

Here´s a funny story. On Thursday night we were trying to call Paula Beltran (who was just called as a ward missionary :D ) to see if she could go with us to some lessons to invite people to church. Apparently my tres and seis sound similar, and Hna. Riquelme called the wrong number. Once she figured out she wasn´t talking to Paula, she started a contact with the lady! By the end of the phone call she had the lady´s address and an appointment. It was so great. It turns out she lives in Neuquen, so hopefully those missionaries were able to go.

Another funny story. The other day were were walking past the Plaza in Barrio Esperanza, and a man (22 years old or so) came up to us and asked if one of us is from the United States. I of course said yes... He said, ¨oh great! I was hoping I would find one of the people from the church here. I need help with me English homework!¨ It was so funny. We helped him, talked to him a little bit, and then he was on his way.

Also, the other day we were talking to a lady named Gladys. Hna. Celis and I had taught her lesson one, and when we went the other day she had visitors. When I started talking one of the visitors asked where I was from. She thought I was Italian! Funny funny.

Mom and Dad, thanks always for your emails. I love reading them always. They´re great.

AK and Lisa, thanks for your letters always. AK, it was fun to see the pictures from Elitch Gardens. It made me sad to read about the man who has terminal cancer. It always makes me wonder how I would handle the situation if I were in his situation. I hope I could handle it as well as he is.

Lisa, I loved hearing about Hallie´s birthday party and cake and everything! Hopefully you took a picture of the cake so I can see it sometime. It sounds pretty impressive. Tell Rebekah hi for me when you see her next time.

Shari, Aaron, how are you? Ryan, Jordan, Orrin? I hope you are all doing really well with everything.

Hola Nyah and Hallie! Tell Scotty hi for me as well, and to be on his best behavior! :D

I read about Alma and Amulek this week in Alma 14 I believe. Wow, quite the story. First off, that Alma returned to Ammonihah after he had been rejected by the people. How hard that would be. But it said that he returned IMMEDIATELY when he was commanded. Amulek takes Alma into his house and feeds him. Then it talks about everything that they went through after preaching. The people were so mad. I was amazed by the strength of Alma and Amulen during this time of trial. Good food for thought.

Also, I read the talk by Elder Wirthlin from Oct 2007 conference on Charity. I love it! It says in one part that at the end of life, when we go to final judgment, Heavenly Father isn´t going to ask about what callings we held, or what worldly possessions we had. He´s going to ask if we fed the hungry, supported those who in need - served our fellow men! The talk mentioned that the when it comes down to it, the success of our life will come down to whether or not we have come to develop charity - a pure love for God and our fellow men. Our neighbor. It made me really think. If I learn nothing else during the mission, I would really like to learn to develop real Christ like love for other people. Not only my family, but for all people, and really see them as children of God.

I love you all very much. The church is true and Jesus Christ is our Savior and Redeemer. Choose the Right!

Con Mucho Amor,
Hermana Jana Banana Pincock