Monday, November 30, 2009

Hola! and Happy Thanksgiving! 11.30.2009 (Email)

Hello everyone! How are you all doing? It was good to hear from home as always. :D But Aaron, I must say, it was SO GOOD to hear from you!

Well, the week went by really fast this week. We were very blessed this week in finding new investigators. I think it was a little miracle really. We are actually in a section of the area where the sisters haven´t worked in some time because it´s farther away from the apt. However, I think there are a lot of people prepared there. Yay!

First thing interesting, we have an investigator from the Dominican Republic! Her name is Santa. Who would have thought right? We found her house earlier in the week, and taught her the message of the Restoration yesterday. Very enjoyable. She has been here in Argentina for like 9 years, but I was very excited to tell her that my sister lived in her country! A great lady, and she´s even married. :D

We also found an investigator named Marianela. We actually found her the week before, but we were able to teach her brother and mom this week as well. Marianela has two kids, 12 and 14 years old. Anyway, it went super well. Marianela´s dad passed away a long time ago, and they all seem to have some questions about that. It actually makes me sad, because the mom really believes that she´ll never see her husband again. And if she does see him again, she doesn´t believe that it´s possible that he´ll be her husband, or her kids father. Sad huh? But we´re teaching her.

We also found a lady named Veronica. She has three kids. Like 5 years ago she was baptized, but none of her kids were. We have an FHE planned with them tomorrow. We´re going to make them pancakes/waffles and watch a church movie with them. We´re excited about that.

Lots of blessings this week. We´re really receiving lots of blessings for doing lots of contacts every week. Yay!

Lets see, some funny things... Hna. Johnson and Hna. Schafer are constantly paranoid that they have lice. They don´t, but they always want that they check them for lice. So far so good. :D

Hna. Johnson, Hna. Schafer and I generally by things with a little less fat: low fat milk, light cheese, etc... and Hna. Passas is completely amazed. She thinks we´re crazy. She wants everything with all the fat possible. haha.

I´m eating my fair share of ¨alfajores¨. They´re like ding dongs, but different. I figure I have to take advantage of them while they are available.

We north americans are realizing that we like things that we didn´t eat much of before. For example, jam on crackers. They´re basically salt crackers. Or this cheese, that is like sour cream, on crackers.

The houses here are really different. Maybe it´s because we´re more in the central part. I don´t know. But I think they´re nicer than in Bariloche. And they about ALL have fences, with locks. Well, lots in Bariloche as well. Okay, maybe in all of Argentina. I should take more pictures so you can see more of what Argentina is like. And I don´t want to forget.

Okay, back to the ward. The ward here is really great. There are lots of return missionaries, and it actually makes a big difference in the ward. Elders and sisters. The Bishop here is really young as well. He and his wife served the mission in Chile. They got back like 5 years ago. They have two young kids. She´s actually from Uruguay. Anyway, we had lunch with them the other day it was really fun. A really good, young couple... with a lot of responsibility.

Dad, I think it would be neat to have you release me. Sounds good. :D

Today we are going to go bowling again. We´re going to meet up with other sisters here in the area, and I believe I´ll actually see Hna. Schwab, so that should be fun. Kind of ironic that we are all here in Neuquen.

I am almost finishing ¨Jesus the Christ¨. I love that book so much. I learn SO much when I´m reading it.

Well, I think I´m going to head out now. Thanks for everything. I know that this is the true church of Jesus Christ. I´m so grateful for the simple truths that we take advantage of: we lived with Heavenly Father before we were born, Jesus Christ really is the Savior of the world, this life is a test, Jesus Christ is the Creator of the world, and the heavens are open. We have a prophet today, Thomas S. Monson, who continues receiving guidance, to guide the true church of Jesus Christ. How important it is to share our knowledge with our brothers and sisters in the world. I love you!

Love Always,
Hermana Jana Banana Pincock

I forgot! On Thursday we got together with Elder and Hna. Graves (the mission couple) as well as two elders, and two members, and had thanksgiving. Can I just say that it was SO DELICIOUS! Real North American, Thanksgiving food. I didn´t realize how much I missed it until I ate it again. Very fun. And I´m happy that Hna. Passas could experience a real ¨Thanksgiving¨. So so fun. Oh how I love our traditions! And very fun to reflect on what I´m grateful for.

I love you!

Con Mucho Amor,
Hermana Jana Banana Pincock