Thursday, August 14, 2008


Hola mi familia!

Como estamos? I hope you are all doing well. I remembered some more things I didn't write in the email. First, I signed another paper the other day towards getting my visa. I hear that's a good sign. Some missionaries headed to Argentina aren't getting their visas quite on time. So if you remember, will you pray that I get mind when I'm supposed to? Gracias!

Next, I am now the "Relief Society Coordinating Sister" for the branch. It was Hermana Schwab, but we switched 1/2 way through. Par tof my responsibility is to welcome the new districts their first night and explain a couple things about the M.T.C. So I got to do that this last Wednesday. I bore my testimony at the end and sat down. Then the branch presidency asked me to do it again in Spanish. that was neat.

Also, I am no longer the Senior Companion. Hna Schwab and I kind of switched places. It has been good to see how she does things the last couple of days. I like it. :) Hna Schafer does the music for the branch. I'm still playing the piano Sundays.

So an Elder I talked to a little bit here is headed to Pocatello! Actually, he's already there. He's a Spanish speaking elder, but I told him to look out for Pincocks. He only speaks spanish, so our communication was fairly limited :), but I thought it was fun that he got his call to my home! His name is Elder Baten.

A little while ago Hna Schafer asked me if my nieces have ever been in "baby pageants". She assured me they would win. I thought that was great. I do have cute nieces! It made me happy to hear about Nyah's "get down" and Hallie's clapping. They are both getting so big.

Shari and Orrin, it sounds like you had such a good vacation! I'm glad you prolonged it after the Ragnar. I really enjoyed your story about the tour in the tabernacle. I decided to read it to my companions and it made me cry as I read it out loud. It was a good reminer. Thank you.

Ak and Ryan, Nyah has Keens? that's great. Both my nieces seem to like water. I'm not suer how that gene skipped me. Haha. no really, I really do like water now. That's nice!

Shari, I'm excited you're giving a lesson on missionary work. I'll think about what I would say and I'll try to remember to write it next week. A lot of people have really emphasized the importance of being bold. I really see that now. I have jst been reading the section about Finding People in Preach My Gospel and have really loved that. It has some really good things to say.

Dad, it sounds like church and work hav ebeen really busy. Wow, a 200 page book? and umpiring too. I loved your stories and quotes from the relay. Hopefully you have gotten some better sleep since then. I'm sorry that your knees bothered you like that, but I'm glad you did it. The satisfaction after a race is amazing. Oh, that's funny about seeing a stake member as well. That's great.

The food here is still great. And that's great as well that you are right on target as a stake as far as convert baptisms.

Mom, how are you doing? how's the Primary Presidency doing?

Aaron, how's everything for you? Loving boating? I'm sure. :)

Well, I think of you all often, and really hope you're all doing well.

Con Mucho amor,
Hermana Jana Pincock

P.S. I hadn't heard about the deer! Shari, I'm so sorry about your car, but I'm so grateful everyone's okay. SO grateful!

Tell family and friends hello!

07.04.2008-Feliz Cuatro de Julio!

Hola Mi Familia! Happy Fourth of July! (I have no idea if I wrote that right up in the subject. I hope you all have a great day. It sounds like you have some good plans. I think I might actually get to watch the fireworks tonight. That'll be fun!

Aaron, tell Tyler Feliz Cumpleanos for me manana! I hope he has a great birthday. I can't believe he's eleven. Wow.

It was fun to hear more about the Ragnar Relay. It sounds like you all had a good experience, and that you all learned a lot from it. Aaron, Lisa, and Jordan - keep me updated on what you decide about running "The Gap". Good times!

Appointment with the investigator went really well. She is actually a teacher here, but she was so amazing. My companions were great as well.

We were supposed to have our teaching appointment tonight - our first time in Spanish - but because it is the 4th of July we won't have any investigators. :( However, I believe we're teaching it to our zone. Wish us luck! The Spanish is getting better. We have now learned almost all of the tenses - amazing huh? Our teaching at this point is simple, but I think that's a good thing as well.

This week we're also focusing on learning food, and cooking tools in addition to the grammar and vocab for the first lesson. Amo helado! ( I love ice cream!) haha

Oh, I don't think I told you that one of my teachers, Hermana Thomas, is officially gone. She is now studying abroad in Jerusalem for the next couple of weeks. Her replacement is Hermano Edwards, and he is really good as well.

Yesterday I got to talk to Hermano Adams, my other teacher, about my goals, etc... and it was a very good talk. He gave me some really ideas and thoughts - things I needed to hear. He recommended that I read a certain section in Preach My Gospel (Predicad Mi Evangelio) and it was perfect. I have already come to really love PMG. It is definitely an inspired book, and of course, I recommend it! :D

I will write a letter later today during laundry, because I don't feel like I have been able to respond to everything... but I hope you all have a wonderful day today, and I'll talk to you again soon.

Con Mucho Amor,
Hermana Jana Pincock

P.S. Will someone email Becky at (or just forward this) and ask her to send me her address? Or you, and then you can email it to me... whatever works. That would be great.