Monday, August 11, 2008

"There's a big white envelope..."

Jana received her mission call on Thursday, March 13th, 2008. Those who could, gathered together and it was all figured out that Jana would open her call at 5pm when Anna Karina, Ryan, and Aaron could all be on the phone to listen in. So here are some pictures that I took to share. I entered the M.T.C. six years ago on March 13th. Everyone in the immediate family made a guess of where Jana was going to be called to. It was posted on the map, that's what all of the dots are. Just a side note, Jana had all 4 of her wisdom teeth pulled on Wednesday, March 12th, hence the slightly puffy cheeks. I guessed South Africa and South Carolina. So 5 o'clock rolled around and we gathered in the living room. Jordan held the phone close to Jana so that Anna Karina, Ryan and Aaron could hear what was going on. The picture to the left is as Jana started to pull everything out of the envelope. She covered it so that she was only able to read it line by line. She continued to read and this is what it said, " are assigned to labor in the Argentina Neuquen Mission...". So Jana heada to the Provo M.T.C. on May 28th and then to Argentina where she will teach the people in Spanish! Tears of joy followed from several of us (including Jana). How exciting! Anna Karina had the closest guess to Argentina with her guess of Chile and get cookies for winning. I of course took a TON of pictures and wish I could share all of them but here's just one more that I thought was neat. Jana's call is the first mission one I've seen signed by Thomas S. Monson. Congratulations Jana! You're going to be an amazing missionary.


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--- The Lisby Family --- said...

I love the theme - the field is white already to harvest! You found the perfect template. I can't wait to watch this develop. I finally sent you the pictures of the MTC.